Autism disease

Autism and Associated Social Challenges

Autism and Associated Social Challenges

What is Autism ?

Autism Awareness and Social responsibility.

Autism also called ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) is a condition that affects the nervous system impacting the cognitive, emotional, social, and physical health of an individual. Some of the commonly associated signs are- difficulty with communication, difficulty with social interactions, obsessive interests, and repetitive behaviours. However, the symptoms vary from person to person, in some cases, the patients do not communicate at all and in some they interact well, depending upon the speech & behavioural therapies, and family support the patient is receiving. The earliest detection and treatment of the disease can be extremely helpful since the young ones can adapt to the treatment procedures more effectively. 

Impact of Autism on parents

With neurodevelopmental disorders comes the augmented responsibilities and the social pressure on the family, especially the rural areas of the developing countries where special abilities are still considered a burden and taboo. When we talk about the social stigma and challenges, it has come into notice that parents of Autistic children go through financial, mental, and emotional, stress. They find it hard to mix with their counterparts due to the additional responsibilities of their Autistic child. The parents are also at higher risk of going through depression, anxiety, and other related issues. 

It is found from studies that mothers of an autistic child are more prone to emotional distress and noticeable mood swings. The financial burden is also one of the major causes of stress since reimbursement policies are yet to be implemented in many developing countries. The marital relationship of parents also gets hampered since most of their time gets utilized in the child sitting and care, their social interactions get restricted. Fatigue is a very genuine and common issue been observed by the family members raising the autistic child. 

Impression of Autism on siblings

The other siblings of autistic children also remain deprived of their parents’ time, they compromise with the attention that other children of their age get from the family. Sometimes, it affects their mental health, cocurricular activities, and academics as well.  

How should Society behave with an autistic person?

Autism Awareness and Social responsibility

Undoubtedly, the list of suffering is long but it can be sorted out and organized if the disease is detected at a young age. The societal pressure must be eliminated. Parents have to understand and seek help whenever required. The foremost responsibility of individuals is to make autistic patients feel normal. Handle their aggression with patience and teach them how to behave and express emotions without being too expressive or angry. Positivity is the major factor that the patient must be surrounded with. Being friends with autistic can be difficult in the beginning but with time and patience, they can be dealt. 

The patients must be handled with the utmost care, yelling or punishing them will not help. Family friends, co-workers, and others must not point out the child’s behaviour but they should make themselves available to discuss the challenges or needs of parents. On-time speech, behaviour, and interactive sessions can reduce the symptoms of autism and help the child live a comparatively normal life. 

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